
Back Pain

Back Pain services offered in San Bernardino, CA

Back Pain

Up to 16 million Americans experience persistent or chronic back pain, keeping them from work, exercise, and other activities. At Diligence Care Plus in San Bernardino, California, experienced integrative health practitioner Tony Akpengbe, DNP, and the team provide complete care for back pain, including prescription medication, pain management injections, and lifestyle counseling. Call Diligence Care Plus today to schedule back pain treatment, or book your appointment online.

Back Pain Q & A

Should I visit a medical provider about back pain?

Everyone experiences back pain occasionally, but seeking treatment is essential if your symptoms continue for over a week and don’t improve with rest, ice, and activity changes. That’s particularly true if your pain occurs after a traumatic injury, fall, or car accident.

Treatment stops the pain in its tracks and reduces your risk of more complications in the future.

What are the symptoms of back pain?

Back pain symptoms include:

Pain that worsens when bending or lifting

Sharp, stabbing, or shock-like sensations

Pain extending into the buttocks, legs, and feet


Mobility problems

For some people, back pain comes and goes; for others, it’s ongoing, making it hard to drive, work, and exercise.

What causes back pain?

Back pain occurs for various reasons, but it’s commonly the result of a musculoskeletal problem. For example, most cases of back pain are due to muscle and ligament strains, bulging or ruptured intervertebral discs, and arthritis.

How does a medical professional diagnose back pain?

Your Diligence Care Plus provider asks about your symptoms, including when the pain started, what it feels like, and if certain activities make it worse, like lying down or bending over. They complete a physical exam, checking your back and neck for redness, swelling, and bruising, then gently press on the affected area to identify sensitive places.

Your provider asks you to rate your pain on a scale of 1-10 and has you walk around the exam room to observe your gait (how you walk) and posture. He also has you do easy exercises to assess your flexibility and range of motion.

Your provider orders diagnostic imaging, like X-rays or an MRI, to check for arthritis or damage to your soft tissues. They also order bloodwork to rule out infections or other medical conditions that might be causing your pain.

How does a medical professional treat back pain?

At Diligence Care Plus, your provider treats back pain using a conservative, integrative approach. They might suggest:

  • Prescription pain medication
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Topical pain relievers, like gels and sprays
  • Antidepressants
  • Physical therapy
  • Corticosteroid injections

Your provider typically recommends a combination of treatments to achieve optimal results. If your symptoms continue or worsen, he refers to a nearby orthopedic specialist for more personalized care.

Call Diligence Care Plus today to receive back pain treatment, or book your appointment online.