
Lab Services

Lab Services services offered in San Bernardino, CA

Lab Services

Analyzing blood and other substances your body produces provides invaluable information that your medical provider uses to improve your health. Diligence Care Plus in San Bernardino, California, offers onsite lab services for patient convenience. Tony Akpengbe, DNP, and the team use the results to diagnose, treat, and monitor multiple conditions, from acute infections to long-term diseases. Call the office for more information about lab services, or book an appointment online today.


Lab Services Q & A

What are lab services?

Lab services test various substances your body produces, including:

  • Blood
  • Urine
  • Stool
  • Saliva
  • Mucus
  • Skin cells
  • Discharge fluids like pus

Some lab services are diagnostic, helping to determine what’s causing symptoms when you’re sick. Others assess how well treatments work and monitor your condition. Lab tests are also a vital screening tool, identifying certain diseases before you develop symptoms.

What diagnostic lab services might I need?

Depending on your symptoms, your Diligence Care Plus provider might recommend one of the following diagnostic lab services:


Complete blood count (CBC)

A CBC is a comprehensive test identifying many disease markers, including infection, inflammation, bleeding problems, and nutrient deficiencies.


Urine culture

The lab uses a urine culture to confirm a urinary tract infection (UTI) and identify the bacteria causing it.


Nose and throat swabs

Taking a sample from your throat using a cotton swab enables the lab to confirm infections like strep throat so you get the proper treatment. Other bacterial infections and diseases like COVID-19 are identifiable using nose and throat swabs.

What screening lab services might I need?

Some screening labs include:


Blood glucose tests

High blood glucose levels indicate you have diabetes. If you have a screening test before you develop any symptoms, it can identify prediabetes, which is fully reversible.


Cholesterol tests

Excess amounts of fatty cholesterol clog your arteries, leading to cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes. However, even at high levels, you might be unaware of the problem because it typically causes no symptoms. A simple blood test measures your cholesterol levels so you can reduce them before they cause severe damage.


Pap smear

A Pap smear collects cells from a woman’s cervix. The lab can identify cell changes that could be the earliest signs of cervical cancer.


Fecal occult blood test

This stool sample test detects gastrointestinal tract bleeding even when you can’t see blood in your stools. If blood is present, it could mean you have an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) like ulcerative colitis or possibly colorectal cancer. A colonoscopy (internal exam) identifies the cause.

Collect the substance in a sterile container if you need to provide a stool or urine sample. Your provider uses cotton swabs to collect skin, mucus, and fluids.

Call Diligence Care Plus to learn about lab services, or book an appointment online today.