

Depression services offered in San Bernardino, CA


Depression can cast a shadow over all aspects of your life. Finding proper care is essential, and for many residents of San Bernardino, California, experienced mental health practitioner Tony Akpengbe, DNP, and the team at Diligence Care Plus meet that need. If you’re ready to explore depression treatment options, book a visit online or by phone today.

Depression Q & A

What is the difference between sadness and depression?

Being sad, grieving, or feeling down are normal responses to certain common life events. However, when these feelings last for long periods and are accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, or suicidal thoughts, you may have a medical condition with potentially life-threatening consequences known as depression.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Diagnosing depression begins with a careful and thorough history and evaluation of the patient. Certain signs and symptoms must be present and must persist over time to satisfy the diagnostic criteria laid out within the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).

These symptoms include:

  • Changes in energy levels
  • Difficulty with concentration
  • Eating more or less than normal
  • Sleeping more or less than normal
  • Loss of interest and enjoyment in the activities that usually bring pleasure
  • Changes in sex drive (libido)

Factors like a prior history of depression or other mental health disorders, alcohol and drug use, and genetic and family history are all relevant and useful in the diagnostic process. Your current relationships, career, and any recent stressors or possible triggers can also contribute to depression.

Are there different forms of depression?

There are several subtypes of depression. An example is chronic low-grade, long-term character-based depression, also known as dysthymic disorder. Some patients with bipolar depression have extreme mood swings, including periods of depression that may alternate with euphoria.

Underlying diseases can lead to depression. Substance abuse and some medications can also cause depression.

Severely distorted forms of thinking and major depressive disorder with psychotic features can accompany depression. These types of depression, along with any form of suicidal thoughts, constitute psychiatric emergencies and require immediate medical attention.

Depression is a treatable disorder using psychotherapies, psychopharmacology, and more. Accurate and correct diagnosis is essential to making proper treatment decisions.

If you have symptoms of depression or are struggling with bouts of sadness or periods of low mood, don’t hesitate to call Diligence Care Plus today. You can also book an appointment online. Your Diligence Care Plus provider will work with you to create a treatment plan to help improve your overall health and well-being.